Dr Laura Jenkins
Laura’s conversation analytic work began examining matters of health in everyday family life, looking particularly at what happens when children say that they are in pain. Since then her work has focused on medical encounters. At the University of Sheffield she looked at how doctors ask adult patients about their seizures. Laura used the CARM approach to show neurology doctors how to design their questions in a way that gives patients more chance to talk, because the way in which patients describe their seizures can give clues as to what is causing them.
Laura is now a research fellow at Loughborough University. She’s part of the VERDIS research project focusing on healthcare communication in end of life care. The aim of the project is to identify communication practices that support collaborative decision-making through analysis of video-recordings of hospice consultations, and to use these findings to develop training materials. Laura is examining the ways in which doctors assess a patient’s pain.
Jenkins, L., Cosgrove, J., Chappell, P., Kheder, A., Sokhi, D., & Reuber, R. (2016) Neurologists can identify diagnostic linguistic features during routine seizure clinic interactions: results of a one-day teaching intervention. Epilepsy and Behavior, 64(A), 257–261