Become a CARM Affiliate


For academics, if you are a trained conversation analyst, we can train you to become an accredited CARM Affiliate.

For practitioners, if you can pair up with a conversation analyst, we can train you both. 



Affiliate Training

There are three different ways that you can become a CARM Affiliate.

The first option is to attend a training session at Loughborough University. We run these annually, usually in January or February.

The second option is to invite us to your university or organization and deliver training locally. We have done this in the US, Australia, The Netherlands, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark, as well as in the UK.

The third option is to complete our online course, at any time. The course is an online version of a two-day workshop, with a video about CARM's development, its technology and its track record. The course will show you how to build a CARM workshop and give you practical exercises to complete. Once you have finished the course, you can apply to be a CARM Affiliate. All Affiliates are given access to CARM animations, fonts and templates, as well as ongoing support to deliver your training. The online course is £100. Like all CARM activity, this fee supports CARM research. To make an online payment, follow the link below. You will be given a Dropbox link to a folder containing instructions, the video, practical exercises, other CARM technology, and the CARM Affiliate Application Form.


Pay and Complete Online Course


Sample video of course teaching