Archive or Events


Conversation Analysis for Non-Academics

November 2019
Presenter Elizabeth Stokoe, Rein Sikveland, Saul Albert
Where Burleigh Court, Loughborough University
This is a one-day workshop, 9.30am - 5.30pm.

CARM Training for Professional & Workplace Communication Encounters (13-14th March 2019)

March 2019
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Burleigh Court, Loughborough University
This workshop is intended for academics and practitioners who want to learn about CARM and its use in training professionals. The participants should have some training in CA, have conducted CA research, and want to run workshops with practitioners. Participants should have completed or currently be working on their PhD.


Negotiation, persuasion and decision-making conversations

December 2017
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Ricoh Arena, Coventry

Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

December 2017
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Melbourne, Australia

When conversation starts

December 2017
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Kia Oval, London

Effective communication when dealing with people in crisis and conflict

November 2017
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where MLC centre, Sydney, Australia

Negotiation, persuasion and high stakes decision-making for mediators and other professionals

November 2017
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Home Office / Operational Communications in Policing (OCiP)

CA Transcription course

November 2017
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Loughborough University
This is a practical workshop to develop the transcription skills of PhD students and researchers using conversation analysis (CA).

How words matter when dealing with resistance and conflict

November 2017
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Scottish Mediation, Glasgow

Effective communication for promoting mediation

September 2017
Presenter Elizabeth Stokoe, Frances Collins, Jo Wdowiak
Where Burleigh Court, Loughborough University
This workshop is intended to help organisations that offer mediation to understand what works, and what doesn’t work, in the visual design and writing of promotional materials.

How to control a conversation with a single word

May 2017
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Risky Business, London

CARM workshop for hostage negotiation

March 2017
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Dr Rein Sikveland
Where London

Why we need a science of talk

March 2017
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Science Museum, London

CARM for academics

February 2017
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where University of Jyväskylä, Finland

Why we need to talk about talk

February 2017
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where University of Jyväskylä, Finland

CARM Training for Professional & Workplace Communication Encounters

January 2017
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Burleigh Court, Loughborough University
For academics, if you are a trained conversation analyst, we can train you to become an accredited CARM Affiliate. The next CARM training workshop is January 25-26, 2017

Why it matters to talk about talk

January 2017
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Home Office Digital, London

CARM Training for GP receptions

January 2017
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where University Medical Centre, Loughborough


Conversation Analysis for Mediators

November 2016
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Anthony Collins Solicitors
Loughborough’s study analysed in detail the telephone conversations between parties being offered mediation and the mediation provider, and used the Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (CARM) to show what works well in getting parties to commit to the process, and what works less well. This method of scrutinising the words, pauses, overlappings, interruptions etc., which we all use in everyday speech – will also assist mediators to understand better what the parties/lawyers/others actually mean when they are speaking. Who should attend? Mediators and those interested in becoming mediators; solicitors and others involved in dispute resolution.

Communication barriers to mediation and how to avoid them

November 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where London Mediators’ Day, London

The power of listening: The science of analyzing conversations, second by second

October 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Oslo PR talks, Oslo, Norway

Effective communication in mediation encounters

October 2016
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Andrew Jackson Solicitors, Hull

Why we need a science of ‘talk’

October 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Digital Science, London

Effective practice in telephone calls between patients and GP receptionists

October 2016
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where RCGP Annual Primary Care Conference, Harrogate

CARM Training for GP receptions

September 2016
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Castle Healthcare Practice, Nottingham

Listening and Responding Effectively to the Voice of the Customer

September 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Social Customer Care, Digital Contact Centre and Customer Experience Forum, London

Why a science of talk matters

July 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Conversation Room, The Royal Institution, London
Previous Discourse speaker Elizabeth Stokoe's research focuses on social interaction and has led to the development of the 'Conversation Analytic Role-play Method', a technique for communication training which won Loughborough University's Social Enterprise award in 2013. Elizabeth's life and research were featured on BBC Radio 4's 'The Life Scientific' and she has recently given a TEDx Talk.

CARM Training for GP receptions

July 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe & Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where Bakewell surgery, Bakewell

CARM and the science of cold calling

June 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, Dr Rein Ove Sikveland, and Dr Bogdana Huma
Where Birmingham, West Midlands
Training event for Toshiba Tech Business Forum

What works to engage people in mediation?

June 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where London
Mediation For Business

What works to engage people in mediation?

June 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Resolution East and West Sussex, Kent and Surrey’s Dispute Resolution Day

Effective practices for client engagement in workplace interactions

June 2016
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where British Museum, London
Customer Engagement 2016 will lead the industry in driving excellence within the customer engagement space. This is the flagship event for the DMA’s Customer Engagement campaign and will feature the results from the first in a three-part research series, as well as key thinking from experts in the field. From how C-suite can overcome operational and cultural barriers, to implementation-level tactics and techniques; this annual summit will explore the combined effectiveness of data, technology and creativity.

The language of conflict resolution

June 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where ACAS, Bristol

Neutrality, Impartiality and Bias in Mediation

June 2016
Presenter Dr Rein Ove Sikveland
Where High Trenhouse, Malham Moor, North Yorkshire
This is a workshop for mediators, focusing on explaining and displaying impartiality in mediation settings.

Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

May 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Rutgers University, USA

How to engage prospective mediation clients

May 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Family Matters Mediate, Doncaster
Contact Juliette Dalrymple to attend.

Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

May 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Aalborg University, Denmark

CARM training for professional and workplace communication encounters

April 2016
Presenter Dr Rein Sikveland
Where Sydney, Australia
A half-day course for mediators, on effective communication for engaging prospective mediation clients.

Turning Enquiries Into Mediations

April 2016
Presenter Dr Rein Sikveland
Where Sydney, Australia
A half-day course for mediators, on effective communication for engaging prospective mediation clients.

How to engage potential mediation clients

April 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Blake Morgan, Oxford

Community Science Talk Series

April 2016
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Birmingham


Effective communication for promoting mediation

October 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, Dr Rein Sikveland, Joanne Lloyd and Frances Collins (a dozen eggs)
Where Burleigh Court, Loughborough
The aim of this workshop is to help organisations that offer mediation to understand what works, and what doesn’t work, in written communication with clients and potential clients.

CARM workshops for Resolution

May 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Dr Rein Sikveland
Where London

The conversational racetrack

May 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Royal Institution
Friday Evening Discourse

The power of language in dispute resolution. Procrastinate, litigate or mediate? A short course in resolving difficult issues.

March 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where CP Events

CARM presentation. CX Edge: From Customer Experience to Competitive Advantage

March 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Dr Rein Sikveland
Where London

US Superior Court Dispute Resolution

March 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Washington DC

CARM training for professional and workplace communication encounters.

February 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Dr Rein Sikveland
Where Loughborough University

Decision-making practice for neonatal consultants. Parents and Neonatal Decisions

February 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, C Shaw and N. Marlow
Where UCL

Effective communication for engaging mediation clients. Mountains to molehills

February 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Surrey

Effective communication for engaging mediation clients.

February 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Dr Rein Sikveland
Where Newcastle, David Gray Solicitors and Family Mediation Northeast,

Effective communication for engaging mediation clients.

February 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Bristol Mediation

Effective communication for engaging mediation clients

February 2015
Presenter Dr Rein Sikveland
Where Scottish Centre for Conflict Resolution, Conference

Dealing with prejudice in mediation.

January 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Family Matters Mediate, Doncaster

The conversational racetrack.

January 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Cokethorpe School, Witney

Effective communication for engaging mediation clients.

January 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Dr Rein Sikveland
Where Time2Talk@ Mediation Plus, Eastbourne

Effective communication for engaging mediation clients.

January 2015
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Harrogate Collaborative Pod


Converting callers to clients

November 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where TWM Solicitors LLP, Wimbledon

Effective communication for marketing mediation services: A CARM workshop - FULL

November 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe, Joanne Lloyd and Frances Collins (a dozen eggs)
Where Loughborough University

How to engage mediation clients

November 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Pinney Talfourd LLP, Upminster

How to engage mediation clients

November 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where ACAS Employment Relations Forum, Nottingham

The (in)authenticity of simulated talk: Comparing role-played and actual conversation and the implications for communication training

October 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Conference The Future of Mediation Training, London

The conversational racetrack

October 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where TEDX Bermuda

How to engage parties in mediation

October 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where CIArb 7th Mediation Symposium: Online Mediation - The Challenges and Opportunities for Today's Mediator, London

Effective communication for resilient mediation services: A CARM workshop

October 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Emsleys Solicitors, Leeds

The Conversational Racetrack: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

September 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where 4th Int. Conference Applied Linguistics and Professional Practice, Geneva

The conversational racetrack: Effective communication for mediators

September 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where ACAS Employment Relations Forum, Manchester

The science of interaction

September 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Association of Cambridge Mediators, Cambridge

Effective communication for resilient mediation services

September 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Barker Gotelee Solicitors, Ipswich

The CARM approach to mediation training

July 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Stonegate Mediation Group, LLC, Dover, MA, USA

The CARM approach to mediation training

July 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Academy of Professional Family Mediators, New York

How to deal with “-isms” in mediation: A CARM workshop

July 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Community Boards, San Francisco

The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

June 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Resolution East and West Sussex / Kent Dispute Resolution Day

Researching mediation and training mediators: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

June 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where SOAS, School of Law, University of London

Effective practices for resilient mediation services: A Conversation Analytic Role-play Method Workshop

June 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Bristol Mediation

The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method: Methods for peer mediation

June 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe and Dr Carly Butler
Where Peer Mediation Network

Engaging prospective mediation clients

June 2014
Presenter Paul Gadd & Elizabeth Stokoe
Where College of Mediators annual conference, London

Plenary lecture: The conversation analytic role-play method

April 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Vienna, International Pediatric Simulation Society conference

CARM-Text for mediators

April 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Resolution, London

Effective practices for resilient mediation services: Training with the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

March 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Peterborough Family Mediation Service

Challenging role-play as a training tool for police officers: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

March 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Centre for Evidence and Criminal Justice Studies Northumbria University

The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method”: Effective practices for resilient mediation services

March 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where The Dispute Mediation Consultancy LLP

Challenging role-play as a training tool for police officers: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

March 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Institute of Criminology, Cambridge

The conversational racetrack

March 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Royal Institution

Challenging role-play as a training tool for police officers: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

March 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Institute of Criminology, Cambridge

Effective practices for resilient mediation services: A Conversation Analytic Role-play Method Workshop

February 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Bromley Mediation Service

Effective practices for resilient mediation services: A Conversation Analytic Role-play Method Workshop

February 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Divorce and Separation Centre, Surrey

Managing ‘-isms’ in community mediation

January 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Manchester Mediation Services

Effective practices for resilient mediation services: Training with the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

January 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Family Matters Mediate, Doncaster

The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

January 2014
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where London Resource Centre, Reconstruct


Effective practice for resilient mediation services: Training with the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

December 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Mills and Reeve LLP, Cambridge

Effective practice for resilient mediation services: Training with the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

December 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Pellys Solicitors, Bishop’s Stortford

The Conversational Racetrack: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

November 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Tatler, London

How to sell an unknown service: Barriers to mediation

November 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Smile Mediation, Burnley

Identifying effective communicative practices for resilient mediation services

November 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Burleigh Court, Loughborough University, UK

Opening a mediation

October 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where London Mediators' Day, Rotherhithe

The Conversational Racetrack: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

October 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where KCH Garden Square Chambers, Nottingham

Managing ‘-isms’ in community mediation

October 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where CALM (Confidential And Local Mediation), London

Identifying effective practice for resilient mediation services: Training with the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

October 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Wandsworth Mediation Service, London

The Conversational Racetrack: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (Plenary address)

September 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Dispute Resolution Conference, East Midlands Conference Centre

Ten top tips for mediators

July 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Brighton and Hove Independent Mediation Service

Opening a mediation and solution-focused questions

July 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Brighton and Hove Independent Mediation Service

Identifying effective practice for resilient mediation services (Guest address)

July 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Ealing Mediation Service Annual General Meeting

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks: Training with CARM

June 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Family Matters Mediate Limited, Doncaster

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks: Training with CARM

June 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Merton and Sutton Mediation Service

Overcoming barriers to mediation: The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

June 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where National Family Mediation, London

Overcoming barriers to mediation: Training with the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

May 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where CALM (Confidential And Local Mediation), London

Overcoming barriers to mediation: Training with the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

May 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Wandsworth Mediation Service, London

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks: Training with CARM

May 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where FAME: Nottinghamshire Children and Families Mediation Service, Nottingham

Overcoming barriers to mediation: The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

May 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where National Family Mediation, Birmingham

Overcoming barriers to mediation: Training with the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

May 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where North West Mediation Network, Wirral

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks: Training with CARM

April 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where New York Peace Institute / Safe Horizon Mediation, New York, USA
(postponed from November 2012)

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks: Training with CARM

April 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where John Jay College of Criminal Justice Mediators’ Breakfast, New York, USA
(postponed from November 2012)

Converting calls into clients: How conversation analysis can work for you

April 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Resolution National Conference

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks: Training with CARM

April 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Hastings and Rother Mediation

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks: Training with CARM

April 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Midlands Mediation Network Open Day

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks: Training with CARM

April 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Kent Family Mediation

Overcoming client barriers to mediation

April 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe with Stephen Anderson
Where Anderson Family Matters, Loughborough

Positive conversations in mediation

March 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Keynote presentation for 25 Years of Milton Keyes Community Mediation Service

Opening a mediation and asking solution-focused questions

March 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Cambridge Community Mediation

CARM: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method

March 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Communication Studies Department – Northeastern University, Boston, Department of Communication – University of New Hampshire

Effective practices for resilient mediation services: A Conversation Analytic Role-play Method Workshop

March 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where Fosters Mediation / Barker Gotelee, Ipswich

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks: Training with CARM

January 2013
Presenter Professor Elizabeth Stokoe
Where National Association for Community Mediation


Applying designedly large scale qualitative research: Conversation analysis and communication training

November 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Centre for Applied Research in Psychology, Coventry University

Applying designedly large scale qualitative research: The Conversation Analytic Role-play Method (CARM) and communication training

October 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Anéla Study Group Discourse Analysis (AWIA) symposium, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

The (in)authenticity of simulated talk: Comparing role-played and actual interaction and the problems of communication training

October 2012
Presenter Anéla Study Group Discourse Analysis (AWIA) symposium, University of Groningen, The Netherlands

Talk in theory; talk in practice: Social psychology, research methods, and the ‘interactional imperative’

October 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Department of Psychology, Open University

Talk in theory, talk in practice: Applying findings and creating impact from conversation analytic studies of gender and interaction

October 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Centre for Gender Studies, University of Winchester

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

October 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Mediation Program, Volunteers of America NNE, Maine, USA

Solution-focused questions in mediation

October 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Community Dispute Settlement Center, Cambridge MA, USA

Opening a mediation, and solution-focused questions

September 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Milton Keyes Community Mediation Service

The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

September 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where College of Mediators annual conference

The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

September 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where London Family Mediator’s Breakfast

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

July 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Cambridge Commuity Mediation

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

July 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Brighton and Hove Independent Mediation Service

Solution-focused questions in mediation

July 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where MESH Community Cohesion Services, Sheffield

Solution-focused questions in mediation

July 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Wirral Mediation Service

First questions in mediation

June 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Loughborough University Mediators’ Workshop

Opening a mediation

June 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Loughborough University Mediators’ Workshop

Applying designedly large scale qualitative research: Conversation analysis and communication training

June 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Conference on Applied Qualitative Research in Psychology, University of Derby

The ‘Conversation-Analytic Role-play Method’

May 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where International Investigative Interviewing Research Group conference, Toronto

Solution-focused questions in mediation

May 2012
Presenter Mediation Hertfordshire

Solution-focused questions in mediation

May 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Mediation Services Manchester

Solution-focused questions in mediation

May 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Common Ground: Mediation in Tower Hamlets

Solution-focused questions in mediation

May 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Conflict and Change

The ‘Conversation-Analytic Role-play Method’ (CARM©) and the problems of simulated role-play training

April 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where RogenSi Consultancy, London

Neighbour disputes and conflict: Institutional-interactional findings from a large-scale qualitative project

April 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Department of Child and Youth Studies, Stockholm University

The ‘Conversation-Analytic Role-play Method’

March 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Research That Matters conference, Loughborough University

Mediating neighbour disputes

March 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Translating Cultures in International Mediation, University of Nottingham

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

January 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Mediation Hertfordshire

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

January 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where South Lanarkshire Council

Experiences of and lessons learnt from applying CA to communication skills training in various settings: CARM©

January 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Provider-client interaction and adherence to ART, Institute for International Health and Development, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

January 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Mediation Services Manchester

Solution-focused questions in mediation

January 2012
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Devon Mediation Service


Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

December 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Mediation Services Manchester

Solution-focused questions in mediation

November 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Glasgow Community and Safety Services, Mediation Service

Solution-focused questions in mediation

November 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Fife, Forth and Tayside SACRO Mediation Services

Solution-focused questions in mediation

November 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where East Lothian Community Mediation Services

Solution-focused questions in mediation

November 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Edinburgh Community Mediation Services

Mediating and policing neighbour disputes: The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’ as an alternative to simulated communication training

November 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Department of Human Communication Sciences, University of Sheffield

Solution-focused questions in mediation

November 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where West Sussex Mediation Service

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

October 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Devon Mediation Service

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

October 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Wirral Mediation Service

Police interviewing and the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

September 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Crime Academy, Metropolitan Police, Hendon

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

September 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Milton Keyes Community Mediation Service

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

September 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Swale Mediation Service

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

September 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Belfast

Mediating and policing neighbour disputes: The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’ as an alternative to simulated communication training

September 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where School of Humanities, Education and Social Science, Orebro University, Sweden

Mediating and policing neighbour disputes: The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’ as an alternative to simulated communication training

September 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Department of English, Karlstad University, Sweden

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

August 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Lambeth Mediation Services

‘Rapport’ in institutional encounters: The epistemic complexities of empathy, sympathy, affiliation and alignment and their consequences for ‘successful outcomes’

July 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where International Pragmatics Association Conference, Manchester

Dealing with ‘-isms’ in neighbour mediation

June 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Conflict and Change, London

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

May 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where West Sussex Mediation Service, Billingshurst

The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

April 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Crime Academy, Criminal Justice Faculty, Hendon

The ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

April 2011
Where Alison Knight Training Consultancy and Peter Grimshaw Consultancy, Advanced Suspect Interview training, Leicestershire

How to do the ‘Conversation Analytic Role-play Method’

April 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where School of Humanities, Education and Social Science, Örebro University, Sweden

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

April 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Glasgow Community & Safety Services Mediation Service, Glasgow

Analysing neighbour mediation calls: Implications for mediation practice and training

March 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where US Superior Court Washington Alternative Dispute Resolution Service

Examining mediators’ communication roadblocks

March 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Community Dispute Settlement Center, Cambridge MA, USA

Neighbour disputes, mediation, and communication training: Using conversation analysis to develop alternatives to simulated role-play

March 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where School of Communication and Information, Rutgers University

Analysing neighbour mediation calls: Implications for mediation practice and training

March 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Dispute Resolution Program, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, New York

“Got up, went to the toilet, had a ****”: Communication, simulation, research and ‘the impact agenda’

February 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Department of Social Sciences, Loughborough University

Analysing neighbour mediation calls: Implications for mediation practice and training

January 2011
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Forth, Fife and Tayside SACRO Mediation Service, Perth


Mediation and social interaction: Bridging academic and practitioner concerns and the developing of mediation training

November 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Mediators’ Institute of Ireland Conference, Dublin

Analysing neighbour mediation calls: Implications for mediation practice and training

November 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Conflict and Change, London

Moving forward with conversation and membership categorisation analysis: New directions for systematic and applied research

November 2010
Where Keynote presentation – 7th Australasian Symposium on Conversation Analysis and Membership Categorization Analysis, Wellington

Application without compromise? Using conversation analysis to evaluate, and develop new types of, role-play training

September 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where British Social Psychology Social Psychology Section Annual Conference, Winchester

Analysing neighbour mediation calls: Implications for mediation

September 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where East Lothian Community Mediation Services, Edinburgh

Application without compromise? Using conversation analysis to evaluate, and develop new types of, role-play training

July 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where International Conference on Conversation Analysis, Mannheim

Analysing neighbour mediation calls: Implications for mediation practice and training

July 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where MESH Community Cohesion Services, Sheffield

Analysing neighbour mediation calls: Implications for a new kind of role-play training

June 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Telephone Helplines, Edinburgh University

Role-play training and simulated interaction

May 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Department of Applied Linguistics, UCLA

Police interview training with role-play

March 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Leicestershire Constabulary

Application without compromise? Using conversation analysis to evaluate, and develop new types of, role-play training

February 2010
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Department of English Studies, University of Stirling


Using a new kind of role play to understand the mediation of neighbour disputes

September 2009
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Tower Hamlets Mediation Service

Interaction in the community and the mediation of disputes

January 2009
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Hillingdon Community Mediation

Interaction in the community and the mediation of disputes

January 2009
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Tower Hamlets Mediation Service


Interaction in the community: Racism and identity conflicts

December 2008
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Swindon Borough Council

Understanding the mediation of neighbour complaints

October 2008
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where London Mediators’ Day

Anatomy of a neighbour complaint

June 2008
Presenter Professor Edwards and Professor Stokoe
Where ESRC Symposium on Conflict Resolution and Mediation in Talk-in-Interaction, Newcastle University

Understanding mediation and neighbour disputes as social action

April 2008
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Birkbeck College, London

Understanding mediation and neighbour disputes as social action

February 2008
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Birkbeck College, London

How neighbours talk: Challenging language

January 2008
Presenter Professor Stokoe
Where Centre for Psychosocial Studies / Community Resolve Mediation Community=Communication Seminar Series, Bristol